Pawsome Room Raffle - Competition


Pawsome will be giving away one 2024 Hotel Space & Convention Pass (worth £470). The convention pass includes 3 nights of accommodation and a standard convention pass for all three days. The attendance ticket included is that of a standard level - the winner will have the option to upgrade to sponsor level if they wish.


  1. You must be 18+ years old to enter.
  2. You may be asked to provide proof of age in the form of either official government ID, Passport or driving licence. If you do not provide such proof, we reserve the right to select a new winner. Sharing of such data will follow government GDPR regulations.
  3. The item to be won is one (1) 2024 Hotel Space & Convention Pass (worth £470). The convention pass includes 3 nights of accommodation and a standard convention pass for all three days, as detailed and outlined on our website The attendance ticket included is that of a standard level - the winner will have the option to upgrade to sponsor level if they wish by contacting the Pawsome team.
  4. To have a chance of winning, you need to complete all of these steps: Like THIS post Retweet the post. Comment on the post with the word “Pawsome!” Make sure you are following our Twitter account: so that we can reach out to you if you win!
  • Competition is open to anywhere in the world (not just the UK.) However, the prize does not include travel costs and expenses associated with getting to and from the convention - these will need to be covered by the winner.
  • Competition is not open to anyone who has already purchased a 2024 Hotel Space & Convention Pass (standard or sponsor).
  • Anyone who has already purchased a non-resident ticket may enter the competition to win the official hotel room space, however their original non-residential ticket cost will not be refunded.
  • The competition is not open to any Pawsome staff or their immediate family.
  • A winner will be chosen at random by assigning a number to all eligible entrants and then using a random number generator to pick a winner.
  • Competition opens at 12:00 BST on Tuesday 10th September 2024. Competition closes at 23:59 GMT on 18th September 2024. Pawsome will aim to announce the winner on Friday 20th September 2024.
  • We will contact the winner via direct message on X (formerly twitter) however if they have not responded within 24 hours, we reserve the right to declare a new winner.
  • Multiple entries (such as multiple comments or using multiple accounts by the same user) are not allowed.
  • Contacted winners will be asked to email [email protected] to organise ticket details etc.
  • We reserve the right to redraw a new winner if the original winner is found to have broken any competition rules.
  • Prizes are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
  • Your room at the official convention hotel (The Mercure Bowden Hall in Gloucester) will be that of an accessible “double”. We will not allocate anyone else to your room, however if you wish to room with someone who is not attending already, they will need to purchase a full price residential ticket.
  • Pawsome is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred by participants or winners.
  • By entering the competition, participants agree to release the organiser from any liability.
  • Personal information collected will be used in accordance with applicable data protection laws in the U.K.
  • Pawsome reserves the right to modify or cancel the competition at any time.
  • The competition is governed by the laws of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • If you have any questions you can email us at [email protected].


Q: “What kind of room will you put me in and will I have to share with someone?” A: We have allocated an accessible double room. We will not allocate anyone to share that room with you, however, if you want to share the room with someone who isn’t attending, they will need to purchase a full residential ticket.

Q: “If I win, will you help me get to the con and back?” A: Unfortunately the prize only covers the accommodation and entrance to the convention. You will have to arrange transport yourself.

Q: “If I win, can my partner/friend/other come for free as well?” A: Unfortunately the prize only covers one person’s accommodation and attendance. Anyone else you wish to attend in the same room will have to pay for a full residential ticket.

Q: “Why can’t those who have already purchased residential tickets enter the competition and get a refund on their ticket if they win?” A: We want to give the opportunity to attend to those particularly who would find attending a convention out of their budget, and thus would not have the chance normally. We assume that those who have already purchased tickets are financially stable enough to do so. So this competition is aimed at helping someone who might be on the fence about attending and therefore can’t justify the attendance cost, or perhaps someone who really wants to attend, but just doesn’t have the means to do so.

Q: “Are you doing this because not enough people are attending?” A: Not at all! One of our core values at Pawsome is to be transparent with our attendees, so we can proudly say that as of the beginning of September, we have over 200 people registered as attending, which is more than we hoped for in our first year - thank you so much to all of you!