Our Five Pawsome Community Mascots


Pawsome represents every and all parts of the anthropormophic community, especially in the UK, to help every critter be who they are, regardless of material, species, interests and costumes. Being a furry, anthro, therian, etc. means different things to different critters, and we felt that one single character was not going to be enough to showcase our amazing community.

Therefore we did some research and have created 5 characters, which represent the 5 most common sub-communities under the furry and anthro umbrella, and these 5 critters will look after, champion and identify events during our conventions which involve these communities. We also hope that you enjoy following their journey with us as they join the Pawsome family, after all, they are a member of Pawsome just like all of you, but have the responsibility of showcasing the diversity of the UK's furry communities.

Please see below for links to the individual pages for each of them, to find out more and how to get involved in those communities at Pawsome.
