Contact Us
Are you wanting to get in touch with us about anything? Here are the best ways to contact and engage with us!
Social Media
- General Enquiries - Please Use For All Registration, Membership, Venue & Convention Enquiries
Specific Departments:
- ConOps - Use for specific operational requests, welfare, costume/code of conduct queries, events & logistics, etc.
- Dealers & Commercial Partners - Use for specific queries on dealers, sponsorship and community organisations
Online Forms
Please use this form to register for membership for Pawsome so you can apply for and purchase any attendance or stays at events.
ConOps Telegram
Our official ConOps account for help before, after and during the convention. (It is not monitored 24/7, for urgent queries please call ConOps or see venue/con staff)
ConOps & Welfare Contact Number
Our official ConOps number for help during the convention for urgent queries, it will be on 24/7 during our events Before or after our events, this reverts to a voicemail system, please do not leave voicemails as they are not checked often outside of events, email us instead!